Hall of Fame

Results & Testimonials

I am deeply grateful for the trust of my clients and the privilege to work with them. This page is a documentation of their experiences and a celebration of their success stories. I invite you to read the reports as if they were written about you.

Compassionate Inquiry

Success Story
The way I see things today has fundamentally changed. I learned to trust in myself; to let go of my judgements and to accept what is. Much has changed for me to the positive.
Success Story
I regained my ability to jump my own shadow and push my boundaries. That made me feel more like myself: the adventurer and visionary instead of apathetic hamster-wheeling.
Success Story
This was pure growth. A better understanding of myself; debunking of the adverse voices in my head; a ton of light and the tools to navigate challenges that life throws at me.
Mathias is one of those people who is easy to trust. His authentic presence is so stable and at the same time unobtrusive that the coaching happens by itself in complete ease. There is no pretense or distortion in it, just an authentic presence. It was inspiring to meet someone who was brave enough to follow the truth, no matter what it was. During the session, Mathias made a suggestion that broadened my world view and proved very useful for me. I just can say: a big thank you!
This could be you! Every single report on this page reveals YOU to you. Every success story shows a facet of the potential my clients have discovered within themselves. The very same potential also lies within your self – waiting to be unlocked. I invite you to read the testimonials as if they were written about you. Take a look into the mirror and glimpse the power and beauty that lies hidden within yourself in this very moment. Your next level is patiently waiting for you.
I found her – the real Eva. You were right… she has always been here and will always be here. She doesn’t have to do anything and has to be nowhere. I’m incredibly grateful to be Eva. Today the world feels astonishingly light and a little absurd. I’m giggling a lot. Yesterday evening there was one huge wave of fear, but this time I didn’t resist and let it all in. That was it. So simple? At some point I stopped waiting because I wasn’t sure what exactly I was waiting for. Then I cried tears of joy and slept like a goddess.
»I remember exactly the day I decided to look for a coach. Personal development has always been a fundamental goal in my life. But before I started working with Mathias, challenges were piling up: personally, professionally, with sticky habits from the past, and unclear future plans. I couldn’t move forward alone. And today, after my time with Mathias? What has changed? Was it worth it? Have I become someone else?


In fact, I have not. I have become more myself. Our collaboration developed naturally. Initially, I cleared out issues, addressing current and past problems, and then shaped my future. That sounds easier than it was. Both sides needed courage, creativity, and the trust to let go, look openly at everything, and implement it. The most valuable part of this journey was that I connected with my inner peace and the divine within me. The tools and insights provided by Mathias are still applied by me today. However, the foundation has fundamentally changed—along with the way I actively shape my life.«


Someone asked me how I chose my coach – I said he likes Star Trek.
Mrs Spock
Success Story
We learn best through our own experience – and that’s exactly what this coaching promotes and provokes. To me, these sessions weren’t just life-changing – they were 100% life-enhancing.
Success Story
I worked on my career development; personal growth; relationship dynamics and my overall wellbeing. It has made a significant impact in my life.
Success Story
In the past I was striving for perfection and flawlessness. That left me deeply unhappy. I learned to turn my attention within. Today I feel worthy without the need to perform in any way.
Wow! I knew it would have some effect, but I never thought it would be emotional dynamite exploding everything that’s not you.
It’s difficult to find the right words to describe the impact of the Unlock Myself Retreat – an experience that helped me to acknowledge how powerful and capable I am to achieve anything I want in my life. It was the start of an inner journey that has helped me to realize that I’m my own miracle! Amazing week; best company; delicious food. This was, for me, a rebirth-experience. Thank you to everyone!
It was remarkable to experience as a participant, how Mathias lead by example and met the individual needs on the retreat. On an eye-to-eye level; with mindfulness and respect; from one human being to another. Mathias has the ability to point out what is actually happening in such a way that it opens up the possibility for growth. I’ve been using these learning fields and discovered many new facets.
I had no idea how ›this trip‹ would be. But it’s been even more beautiful than I expected. I got more in touch with myself and what I really like to do in the moment without any pressure from the outside. It felt like being a child again – there was surprise; excitement and joy, but also a deep calm and love for the moment and everything around me! I won’t forget this and I’ll keep the people in my heart.
To me, these sessions weren’t just life-changing – they were 100% life-enhancing.
Success Story
I was overly focussed outwards and practiced redirecting my attention within. I learned how to deal with fears differently and make conscious decisions in a busy everyday life.
Success Story
I achieved milestones in both personal- and leadership-development. I expanded my 360° perspective and honed in on the question of ›Who do I choose to be?‹.
Success Story
The books enabled me to experience and anchor new perspectives more deeply. The coaching was solid; flexible; open; friendly; realistic and hands-on – the way I like it and how it should be.
Coaching is an investment in our personality. It motivates me to work on myself.
I know that the initial reason why I went for coaching is not relevant anymore and I can tell you what I’ve found. The home within myself! I finally allow for self-love. That makes me one of the fortunate who are able to go anywhere and experience adventures while at the same time feeling at home. Fully resting in myself I can now be wild and alive with all the love that I carry. With incredible discernment and intuition Mathias showed me a map to find back home and I followed it.
After a panic attack, I was looking for support. Already impressed by Mathias’s approach I immediately decided for coaching after our first chat. Mathias helped me learn to cope with uncomfortable emotions through conversations, exercises, and assistance in stressful situations, and showed me how to return to a low-stress life. He supported me during and around the coaching sessions and guided me on a path away from fear. I highly recommend working with him to anyone.
Mathias has given me the key to a fulfilled life. The walks with him were filled with valuable insights and realizations. I have recognized that I take too little responsibility for my life, that I make too many compromises, and I am learning to accept my feelings, to recognize and express my needs. I am practicing being present with myself, not hiding, being active, and freeing myself from roles. I allow myself to dream more once again. Mathias is honest, direct, motivating, and non-judgmental.
There is a place where I am always welcome and allowed to be happy. Finally I found this place within myself.
Success Story
I developed a wider range of leadership skills and visited loads of different places of my outer and inner life. To discover them made me feel much more alive.
Success Story
It has been the perfect mix between talking, listening and learning – an awakening moment that led to a drastic career change and the planning of my dream: a world trip!
Success Story
I integrated my values and priorities into the job-search. Many no’s and finally a big yes. I have found my job! One that suits me and my values – without fear that it might not work out.
Mathias has given me the key to a fulfilled life.
Now is one of these moments when there’s no question left. Everything is clear, right now. My life has been transformed over the past months. Energy was needed for that process and it was not always easy, but it’s totally worth it! More and more I feel a deep gratitude and happiness that has been covered up for a long time. The coaching has had a big big impact on my inner life. Highly recommended!
Life is truly amazing! Mathias appeared in mine when I was open to find the answers to those big questions that I believe you also have. Session after session it felt like my world was falling apart – which sounds quite scary and it was! But what was actually falling apart was my distorted vision of myself and the world around me. He supported me through the process and I’m very grateful. It was life-changing!
I would like to recommend coaching with Mathias from the depths of my heart. My advice to you would be this: Don’t expect anything as great things will happen anyway – simply on their own. The sessions with Mathias are more than mere conversations. They changed my thinking and my consciousness altogether. Now I walk my new path freely and full of love. Thank you Mathias!
I am joy, love, awareness, and fully alive, open, responsive, gentle, and kind. We are SO MUCH MORE than we often perceive.
Success Story
I deconstructed psychosomatic blockages which have been holding me back from connecting to my authentic self. It has been a deep and transformational journey.
Success Story
We also met on an entirely different level if needed – energetically. In those cases I didn’t even have to describe what was currently bothering me – he sensed it intuitively.
Client Testimonial - Mathias Fritzen
Through coaching with Mathias I could reconnect to my needs and learn to express them in all parts of my life. I appreciated your authentic approach to coaching and the many tools you shared.
It is as if you handed me a sheet of paper and pens and showed me how to hold them but not what I should draw.
Anna Lisa
Success Story
It was like looking into a mirror. A mirror doesn’t reveal who’s the prettiest in the land – it reflects the truth. Honesty, compassion, lots of fun and hard work were guaranteed!
Success Story
I shaped my vision around what motivates me the most. I determined my next project, which would bring me satisfaction both professionally and personally.
Success Story
The coaching supported me with deep compassion during an intense phase in my life. Mathias is a great guide to lead you on the path to true liberation and being at ease in all areas of life.
Every school should have this style of teaching in their curriculum.
I took a full week lecture with Mathias as part of my masters program at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Dortmund. I not only enjoyed this week a lot, it has also been by far the best soft skills training that I have ever been enrolled to. My professional soft skills have been challenged a lot and it will have a great impact on my life purpose. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us!
I’ve had so many ideas in my head about the steps to take on living a happy life. This honestly made me disorganized to a high extent. However, attending Mathias’s seminar changed the game for me. His methods are amazing. The strategies can be applied to all areas of your life. When you come across Mathias’s training? Go for it! Every school should have this style of teaching in their curriculum.
I’ve had the great opportunity to take part in Mathias’ master class at FH Dortmund. We had 6 training days together with a diverse group of students from all over the world. The input was very relevant for my career as a project manager and I gained valuable insights about teamwork; empathy and self-awareness. Thank you for the safe space and your openness to our questions and ideas.
This week has been by far the best soft skills training that I have ever been enrolled to.
Success Story
This benevolent and holistic coaching approach guided me through different perspectives in my life; following my intuition far beyond my inner repetitive schemes.
Success Story
I learned to better understand my reactions and actions and leap forward into more personal freedom. I wouldn’t want to miss our sessions and the tools made available to me.
Success Story
I learned how to achieve goals without the desperation to achieve them and that somehow together as a team you’ll always hit the target. I also learned how to handle bow and arrow.
I was open to find the answers to those big questions that I believe you also have. Mathias supported me through the process and it was life-changing!
Success Story
I can’t change the circumstances but I can change how I face them. I got wonderful tools that support meeting life’s challenges in a constructive way. Within 6 months I rediscovered the flow of life.
Success Story
Getting things done! I visualized my dreams and learned the right tools to make them come true. On top of that I took a big leap in my career — #MajorPayRaise.
Success Story
I learned an incredible amount about myself. We brought things to the surface that I wasn’t conscious of. This made a big difference in how I treat myself and the people around me.
Fasten seat belts for an intense experience traveling into your own wonderland!
Wow! I knew it would have some effect, but I never thought it would be emotional dynamite exploding everything that’s not you. The way this week made me feel is the way that I would love to be with my family and friends. For everyone who feels that there’s more inside to unlock… this week is the perfect thing!
I didn’t expect to spend such a good time with myself and with others. We were guided by an amazing team – everyone is an expert in their domain. The place is beautiful; calm and inspiring. I could gain perspective over my life and find answers. I think you need this, maybe more than you think!
Every Workshop was a discovery for me. I went into a state that I couldn’t manage before; had great help from everyone and overcame it! I trust all of you, so this was a perfect setup. I also discovered something unexpected: my creativity in music and painting. Unlocking is happening!
I found her – the real Eva. You were right… she has always been here and will always be here.
Success Story
You have no idea how powerful and significant yesterday was for me. It was magical. For the first time in months I’m waking up with this empowered energy.
Success Story
I was searching a new path and perspective on my life. In the coahing felt understood and seen. It changed me – from a state of victim to… master of my life!
Success Story
I am not my age; my title; my achievement; or even my striking new hair color. I am joy; love; awareness; and fully alive; open; gentle; and kind. We are so much more than we perceive!
Now is one of these moments when there’s no question left. Everything is clear, right now.
Success Story
I have punished myself for too long and didn’t allow myself to be happy. We cracked it and I could step out of it. Whenever it comes back I recognize that I’ve been here before and I can let it go.
Success Story
I am calmer; stronger; happier; my mind is more peaceful; I have a better understanding of myself; I have tools to break down resistance and experience life as I want to. It’s powerful!
Success Story
I was on the race track again and I had so much fear. I compared myself to others and felt inferior. But I made it and I drove well. I was happier than ever – screaming and crying *hahaha!